Judging Lists

Judging Lists for Glens

Please select your desired Judging List from the navigation below for Level 1, Level 2, Level 3 and Level 4 List pages. 

Once at your desired list, scroll to the required judge or, if you know a judge’s name, press Crtl+F and enter it in to your browser’s search box.

Level 1 Judging List
Level 2 Judging List
Level 3 Judging List
Level 4 Judging List

From 1 January 2021, no one can judge unless they meet JEP level 1 requirements (existing CC judges excluded). The exception to this is where a valid contract was in place before the 24 February 2020 press announcement and the appointment complies with Kennel Club Regulation F(1)20.b.

Level 1

Requirements to meet this level:

Minimum of five years proven interest in pedigree dogs
Attend a requirements of a dog show judge seminar (but not mandatory to take and pass examination)
Attend a conformation and movement seminar
Complete a minimum of two full-day stewarding appointments

Eligibility to judge

Up to three classes (four if one is a puppy class) for any breed at limited or open shows.

Level 2

Requirements to meet this level

First breed:

Take and pass requirements of a dog show judge examination
Pass points of a dog assessment
Attend a breed appreciation day (BAD) and pass a multiple-choice examination (MCE) for the respective breed
View ring stewarding seminar and take online quiz
Complete critique writing seminar and take online quiz

Subsequent breeds

Attend a breed appreciation day (BAD) and pass a multiple-choice examination (MCE) for each breed. Note: Not mandatory for group judge for breeds in the group that they are not approved at level 4, but attendance strongly recommended

Eligibility to judge

Unlimited number of classes for the respective breed at limited, open or championship shows (no CCs)
Any variety classes, groups and best in show at limited shows

Level 3

Requirements to meet this level

Undergo minimum of three mentoring sessions with a minimum of 12 months between first and third session
Be observed judging a breed club show, breed supported entry show or championship show without CCs once mentoring sessions have been undertaken
Complete remaining 10 full-day stewarding appointments (onetime qualification)
Have owned/bred a minimum of three dogs when they obtained their first entry in The Kennel Club Stud Book – save for exceptional circumstances (one-time qualification for first breed in which a judge awards CCs)
Attended the appropriate sub-group field trial/open gundog working test for first gundog breed or ring procedure at licensed shows (German Shepherd Dog education programme) online exam (one-time qualification)
Have achieved the relevant hands-on experience in line with the stated requirements for the relevant stud book band:

o Band A minus1 – 15 dogs

o Band A – 20 dogs

o Band B – 35 dogs

o Band C – 60 dogs

o Band D – 90 dogs

o Band E – 125 dogs

Level 4

Requirements to meet this level

Attend and passed a breed-specific assessment for the specific breed run by The Kennel Club

Eligibility to judge

Award Challenge Certificates in the respective breed
Any variety classes, groups and best in show at open and limited shows.