Picture Gallery

Picture Gallery of Glens

Our picture albums are provided by our members and website visitors and we will upload any pictures sent in to us for publishing in our gallery albums. If you would like to have your picture published in any of our albums, please forward the picture (in any format, up to 1Mb in size), in Landscape format, along with any relevant info such as name of show, date, names etc, and any small caption you might like to appear with the pic (we cannot guarantee any supplied caption will be used).

Please send us your photographs here: anne@goita.co.uk

Please note: we can only use pics that are your own or are used with the owner’s permission, and by submitting your picture you give us your permission to publish, reproduce and distribute any images provided – This is because even though we take all steps to prevent copying the nature of the internet makes this impossible .

Pictures used with permission will be properly accredited where requested.