The Glen of Imaal Terrier Association is a non-profit organisation and the aim of the Committee is to serve the membership of the Glen of Imaal Terrier Association, however help is always extended to anyone who is a member of the wider Glen family.
The Association Is proud and privileged to have as its patrons:
Professor Peter Bedford
BVetMed, PhD, FRCVS, DV Ophthal, DipECVO
A graduate of the Royal Veterinary College, London, Peter Bedford is Emeritus Professor of Veterinary Ophthalmology at London University, currently working in private practice. He gained his PhD for studies on canine glaucoma and his RCVS Fellowship for work on aqueous dynamics. He is an RCVS Foundation Diplomate in Veterinary Ophthalmology (1982) and a Diplomate of the European College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists (1993). He is a Past President of the BSAVA (1982 -1983),a Past President of the World Small Animal Association (1994 – 1996),a Past President of the European Society of Veterinary Ophthalmology (1987 – 1991), a Past President of the International Society of Veterinary Ophthalmology (2011 – 2013) and currently he is the Past President of the European College of Veterinary Ophthalmology ( 2016 – 2018).
Jan Fennell
Dog Listener
Visit Jan’s Dog Listener website
Mr. Noel QuinnNoel, our longest serving officer on the committee, was elected to become our president at the AGM 2017 after 20 years as treasurer and membership secretary. Born in Co. Wexford, Noel first met our breed visiting family in the Wicklow Mountains, close to the Glen of Imaal, and is passionate about his native breed and its future.
Vice President
Mrs Kathy George
Vice President, Health Coordinator and Fun Day Organiser
Mrs. Lynne Fraser
Lynne organises the Glen Days, Discover Dogs (London) and East Sussex rare breeds tent. She is also the Southern Area representative for the Association.
Lynne collates health issue reports for the committee. She is also available if you have any concerns or information regarding Glen health issues.
Lynne and her family have been owned by Glens since getting their first Glen (Seamus) in 1999.
Paul Smith
A staunch supporter of Game Fairs promoting the breed as well as helping in the kitchen at our Glen events and shows.
Hon Secretary, Contacts & Friends, Our Dogs correspondent
Mrs Anne Hardy
Puppy enquiries 01777 703417.
With over twenty years experience as secretary of the breed club Anne organises the championship and open breed shows as well as seminars about the breed and committee meetings. Taking minutes and liaising with the Kennel Club and happily answering any Glen related queries from anyone interested in the breed. She is also breed correspondent for Our Dogs and runs the rescue kennel.
Grass Roots (Glen rescue and social support), the rescue service for the club, is organised from her kennels at her home address.
Treasurer, Show Manager and Championship Show Steward
Mrs. Jenny Lowe
There cannot be many people as experienced as Jenny at Show Stewarding. Her expertise guarantees the smooth running of the shows. Her knowledge of committee protocol is second to none. Recently she has taken up the responsibilities as our Treasurer.
Membership Secretary
Mr Alan CookAlan is our new Membership Secretary. Details of joining the Glen Of Imaal Terrrier Association or renewal of membership can be found on the general membership page. Subscriptions start from January 1st in any year. Alan will be happy to help – his details are on the membership page.
News Editor
Mrs. Nicky Atkin
Nicky collates the articles and stories, as well as writing regular features, for our magazine Roaming Thro’ the Glen. She always welcomes submissions from members.
She is a stalwart in representing our breed at Game Fairs.
Mrs. Ann Quinn
As Archivist, Ann holds the early Association records including photographs and news items. She is also a long-serving committee member along with husband Noel.
Committee Members
Mrs. Geraldine Statham
Geraldine, (together with her husband Alan), has owned Glens since 1996. Her interest is in breed welfare as well as rescue and re-homing Glens as pets and companions.
Mrs. Sally Smith
Sally has dabbled in breeding, showing, obedience and agility with Dodie and May. She also enjoys promoting the breed at Game Fairs and discover dogs events.
Mrs Jacky Tune
Jacky has owned, bred and shown Glens, Australian Cattle Dogs and Rottweilers. She is also on the organising committee of the Retford Canine Society.
Mrs Avril O’Grady
Having been born and bred in a rural environment, Avril was brought up with working terriers and sight hounds. She discovered Glens only recently when looking for an alternative to her previous toy breed. Avril hopes to become more involved in showing and breeding, having a particular interest in health and behaviour.
Serena Saletti
Serena has had dogs all her life, but happily discovered Glens at the discover dogs event at crufts. Six years on, she now enjoys showing and breeding Glens. In addition Serena now promotes the breed at Discover Dogs and game fair events.